Melalui film dan cerita buku dan kisah-kisah STAR TREK, pesan-pesan universal humanisme mengenai perdamaian, kesetaraan, kesatuan, cinta kasih, saling menghargai dan menghormati dalam perbedaan dan keragaman; serta sinergi mencapai Kesejahteraan Bersama untuk mewujudkan utopia masyarakat cinta damai, menjunjung tinggi persamaan dan kesetaraan ras dan gender. Utopia masyarakat tanpa perang, sakit penyakit dan keserakahan, semua bersatu dalam Perdamaian sejati, yang dipimpin oleh Ilmu Pengetahuan, Kemakmuran dapat dicapai melalui komitment semua orang yang konsisten memimpikannya dan mewujudkannya dalam kehidupan dan karya mereka sehari-hari.
Baca harian KOMPAS hari ini MINGGU, 8 FEBRUARI 2009 halaman 27 komunitas INDO STAR TREK
Bowo T. Suharso
Sebuah Blog yang berisi curahan pemikiran mengenai perenungan nilai-nilai filosofis Star Trek yang telah berjasa membentuk pribadi-pribadi tangguh; dan berisi harapan-harapan agar masyarakat, bangsa Indonesia mampu merenungkan nilai-nilai kekuatan kebersamaan, perdamaian dan cinta kasih yang mendasari utopia masyarakat dalam alam semesta Star Trek
Sabtu, 07 Februari 2009
Jumat, 06 Februari 2009
The Enterprise is the largest man-made vessel in space. It is 947 feet long, 417 feet wide overall, and has a maximum gross weight of 190,000 tons (compared to a displacement of 59,650 tons of our aircraft carrier, the U. S. S. Forrestal). It is divided into three main sections: the saucer-shaped primary hull, the cigar-shaped secondary (engineering) hull, and the twin engine pods.
The unit components were built at the Star Fleet Division of what is still called the San Francisco Navy Yards, and the vessel was assembled in space. The Enterprise is not designed to enter the atmosphere of a planet and never lands on a planet surface. When assignment takes the ship to a particular planet, it enters a standard orbit around the planet which can range from 1,000 to 7,000 miles away, depending on planet size and gravity, atmospheric envelope, size and proximity of sun (5) and moon(s), and other factors.
The primary hull is 417 feet in diameter and is eleven decks thick through the middle. Designed to operate separately from the rest of the ship, the saucer therefore contains all elements necessary for independent operation.
Propulsion for the primary hull is provided by impulse power. The impulse engine section is located at the bottom rear end of the saucer. Headquarters for the engineering division is also located in this same area, as are main engineering control facilities plus sufficient repair, storage, and other facilities to service the primary section when detached from the star-drive sections of the vessel.
The bulge atop the center of the “saucer” is deck one, and houses the bridge. The circular-shaped bridge is the nerve center of the Enterprise, and it is here that Captain Kirk presides over the entire ship’s complex operation. He sits in his command chair in the inner, lower elevation, facing the large bridge viewing screen. Directly in front of him, also facing the viewing screen, sit the Navigator and the Helmsman, at their combined console. In the outer raised circular elevation of the bridge are eight individual stations.
From the turbo lift doors, and numbered counterclockwise, these stations are:
1. Communications—manned by Lieutenant Uhura.
2. Library-Computer-—manned by Mr. Spook.
3. Navigational Subsystems Checkout—normally unmanned, this station provides information and readings on all navigational instruments and subsystems.
4. Weapons Subsystems Checkout—normally un-manned, this station provides data on the operation of all subsystems within the ship’s weapons system.
From the turbo lift, and numbered clockwise:
1. Engineering—usually manned by Lieutenant Commander Scott.
2. Environmental Systems—normally unmanned, this station provides data on the functioning of all components of the ship’s environmental systems. Manual adjustments can be made at this station to affect ship’s gravity, air supply and composition, temperature, etc.
3. Engineering Subsystems Checkout—normally unmanned, this station provides information ahd readings on all engineering subsystems.
4. Defensive Systems Monitor—normally unmanned, this station continually monitors the status of all defensive systems, deflector screens, etc. Tied into Kirk’s command position are the main controls for the vessel’s vast computer complex which automates and affects every system aboard the vessel.
The computer complex is the “duotronic” type, invented by Dr. Richard Daystrom 25 years ago (STARTREK time). At Spock’s station and tied into his viewers and screens are the more detailed cross-circuit regulating controls plus visual and audio information on the status of all systems and activities. Thus Kirk’s second-hi-command can independently report on or override any ship function or condition in case of trouble or emergency.
The vessel’s computer system contains voice-recognition circuits and self-programming that permit it to respond to verbal orders; it, in turn, can reply through a vocorder. it uses a feminine voice, a familiar occurrence, even today. The pre-take-off computer systems used on today’s F-105 Fighter, for example, speak to the pilots in a female voice because it has been discovered that the feminine voice penetrates noise better and results in improved response by men (and women).
Spock’s primary bridge function is handling all of the ship’s vast and varied sensor systems fed into his station. As indicated, “sensor” applies to any equipment aboard the ship capable of sensing or reading almost any sort of information. They include mass detection of energy waves, radiation, heat energy, and any other known force. They are also capable of detecting the presence of life.
Spook’s secondary bridge function is main control of the vessel’s library-computer. It contains computer memory banks that hold a vast correlated mass of data, history, arts, sciences, philosophy, plus all known information on other known solar systems, colonies, alien cultures, a registry of all space vessels, complete information on nearly all personnel in the Starficet, and all other information that can be recorded, stored, and used by a starship. (Such a storehouse of information would be highly desirable, and perhaps even vitally necessary, for a successful ST TREK-type mission into the unknown.)
The ship’s library-computer can be channeled to any intercom station or viewing screen anywhere on the ship, and will (verbally or visually) analyze any known information in a matter of seconds. The computer, however, deals only in fact, If an ambiguous question is asked, the computer will so inform the questioner. It will also reject known lies, misinformation, and so forth, and is used effectively in official hearings of all types.
The unit components were built at the Star Fleet Division of what is still called the San Francisco Navy Yards, and the vessel was assembled in space. The Enterprise is not designed to enter the atmosphere of a planet and never lands on a planet surface. When assignment takes the ship to a particular planet, it enters a standard orbit around the planet which can range from 1,000 to 7,000 miles away, depending on planet size and gravity, atmospheric envelope, size and proximity of sun (5) and moon(s), and other factors.
The primary hull is 417 feet in diameter and is eleven decks thick through the middle. Designed to operate separately from the rest of the ship, the saucer therefore contains all elements necessary for independent operation.
Propulsion for the primary hull is provided by impulse power. The impulse engine section is located at the bottom rear end of the saucer. Headquarters for the engineering division is also located in this same area, as are main engineering control facilities plus sufficient repair, storage, and other facilities to service the primary section when detached from the star-drive sections of the vessel.
The bulge atop the center of the “saucer” is deck one, and houses the bridge. The circular-shaped bridge is the nerve center of the Enterprise, and it is here that Captain Kirk presides over the entire ship’s complex operation. He sits in his command chair in the inner, lower elevation, facing the large bridge viewing screen. Directly in front of him, also facing the viewing screen, sit the Navigator and the Helmsman, at their combined console. In the outer raised circular elevation of the bridge are eight individual stations.
From the turbo lift doors, and numbered counterclockwise, these stations are:
1. Communications—manned by Lieutenant Uhura.
2. Library-Computer-—manned by Mr. Spook.
3. Navigational Subsystems Checkout—normally unmanned, this station provides information and readings on all navigational instruments and subsystems.
4. Weapons Subsystems Checkout—normally un-manned, this station provides data on the operation of all subsystems within the ship’s weapons system.
From the turbo lift, and numbered clockwise:
1. Engineering—usually manned by Lieutenant Commander Scott.
2. Environmental Systems—normally unmanned, this station provides data on the functioning of all components of the ship’s environmental systems. Manual adjustments can be made at this station to affect ship’s gravity, air supply and composition, temperature, etc.
3. Engineering Subsystems Checkout—normally unmanned, this station provides information ahd readings on all engineering subsystems.
4. Defensive Systems Monitor—normally unmanned, this station continually monitors the status of all defensive systems, deflector screens, etc. Tied into Kirk’s command position are the main controls for the vessel’s vast computer complex which automates and affects every system aboard the vessel.
The computer complex is the “duotronic” type, invented by Dr. Richard Daystrom 25 years ago (STARTREK time). At Spock’s station and tied into his viewers and screens are the more detailed cross-circuit regulating controls plus visual and audio information on the status of all systems and activities. Thus Kirk’s second-hi-command can independently report on or override any ship function or condition in case of trouble or emergency.
The vessel’s computer system contains voice-recognition circuits and self-programming that permit it to respond to verbal orders; it, in turn, can reply through a vocorder. it uses a feminine voice, a familiar occurrence, even today. The pre-take-off computer systems used on today’s F-105 Fighter, for example, speak to the pilots in a female voice because it has been discovered that the feminine voice penetrates noise better and results in improved response by men (and women).
Spock’s primary bridge function is handling all of the ship’s vast and varied sensor systems fed into his station. As indicated, “sensor” applies to any equipment aboard the ship capable of sensing or reading almost any sort of information. They include mass detection of energy waves, radiation, heat energy, and any other known force. They are also capable of detecting the presence of life.
Spook’s secondary bridge function is main control of the vessel’s library-computer. It contains computer memory banks that hold a vast correlated mass of data, history, arts, sciences, philosophy, plus all known information on other known solar systems, colonies, alien cultures, a registry of all space vessels, complete information on nearly all personnel in the Starficet, and all other information that can be recorded, stored, and used by a starship. (Such a storehouse of information would be highly desirable, and perhaps even vitally necessary, for a successful ST TREK-type mission into the unknown.)
The ship’s library-computer can be channeled to any intercom station or viewing screen anywhere on the ship, and will (verbally or visually) analyze any known information in a matter of seconds. The computer, however, deals only in fact, If an ambiguous question is asked, the computer will so inform the questioner. It will also reject known lies, misinformation, and so forth, and is used effectively in official hearings of all types.
NCC 1701-A,
Star Trek
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